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References & Literature

Title Sort descending Authors Type of Document Document language Publishing year
'I Am Becoming More and More Like My Eldest Brother!’: The Relationship Between Older Siblings, Adolescent Gambling Severity, and the Attenuating Role of Parents in a Large-Scale Nationally Representative Survey Study Canale, N., Vieno, A., Griffiths, MD., Siciliano, V., Cutilli, A. and Molinaro, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
A 2015 National Survey of E-Cigarette Use among Irish Youth Keogan, S., Taylor, K., Babineau, K. and Clancy L.J. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2016
Á leið af landi brott? Framtíðaráform íslenskra unglinga vorið 2007 Bjarnason, T. Other article/paper 2007
A Long Way to Go: 20-Year Trends from Multiple Surveillance Systems Show a Still Huge Use of Tobacco in Minors in Italy Gorini, G., Gallus, S., Carreras, G., Cortini, B., Vannacci, V., Charrier, L., Cavallo, F. et al. Peer reviewed article/paper 2018
A new era for drinking? Epidemiological evidence on adolescent male–female differences in drinking incidence in the United States and Europe Cheng, H. G. and Anthony, J. C. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
A Quantitative Exploration of Attitudes out of Line with the Prevailing Norms toward Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Use among European Students Beck, F., Legleye, S., Chomynova, P. and Miller, P. Peer reviewed article/paper 2014
A quantitative exploration of attitudes out of line with the prevailing norms towards alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use among European students Beck, F., Legleye, S., Lejckova, P. & Miller, P. Other article/paper 2008
Administration mode bias in a school survey on alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use Bjarnason, T. Peer reviewed article/paper 1995
Adolescent Alcohol and Cannabis Use in Iceland 1995–2015 Arnarsson, A., Kristofersson, GK. and Bjarnason, T. Peer reviewed article/paper 2018
Adolescent Gambling-Oriented Attitudes Mediate the Relationship Between Perceived Parental Knowledge and Adolescent Gambling: Implications for Prevention Canale, N., Vieno, A., Ter Bogt, T., Pastore, M., Siciliano, V. and Molinaro, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2016
Adolescent substance use: A study in Durkheimian sociology Bjarnason, T. Report 2000
Adolescents Drink Less: How, Who and Why? A Review of the Recent Research Literature Pape, H., Rossow, I. and Brunborg, GS. Peer reviewed article/paper 2018
Adolescents’ self-reported running away from home and suicide attempts during a period of economic recession in Greece Kokkevi, A., Rotsika, V., Botsis, A., Kanavou, E., Malliori, M. & Richardson, C. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
Adolescents’ self-reported suicide attempts, self-harm thoughts and their correlates across 17 European countries Kokkevi, A., Rotsika, V., Arapaki, A. & Richardson, C. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2012
Alaikäiset juovat entistä vähemmän, mutta nuorten aikuisten juominen lisääntyy Raitasalo, K. & Simonen, J. Other article/paper Finnish 2011
Alcohol and drug use among European 17-18 year old students. Data from the ESPAD project Andersson, B., Hibell, B., Beck, F., Choquet, M., Kokkevi, A. & Fotiou, A. Report 2007
Alcohol and school performance in teenagers Miller, P. & Plant, M.A. Other article/paper 2008
Alcohol culture, family structure and adolescent alcohol use: multi-level modeling of frequency of heavy drinking among 15-16 year old students in eleven European countries Bjarnason, T., Andersson, B., Choquet, M., Elekes, Z., Morgan, M. & Rapinett, G. Peer reviewed article/paper 2003
Alcohol tolerance and illicit substance use among teenagers in Slovakia Nociar, A. & Miller, P. Peer reviewed article/paper 2002
Alcohol use by youth in the Czech Republic and Finland: An empirical test of skog’s theory of the distribution of alcohol consumption Čermáková, I. and Podana, Z. Peer reviewed article/paper 2018
Alcohol Use of Adolescents from 25 European Countries Soellner, R., Göbel, K., Scheithauer, H. and Bräker, AB. Peer reviewed article/paper 2014
Alcohol-specific rules, personality and adolescents' alcohol use: A longitudinal person-environment study Van Der Vorst, H., Engels, R. C., Dekovic, M., Meeus, W. & Vermulst, A. A. Peer reviewed article/paper 2007
Alcopops, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in a sample of German adolescents: Is there an alcopop-specific effect? Kraus, L., Metzner, C. & Piontek, D. Other article/paper 2010
Alkohol- och narkotikavanor bland ungdomar i 26 länder Hibell, B. & Andersson, B. Other article/paper 1997
Alkoholizam i zloupotreba psihoaktivnih droga kod mladih u Republici Hrvatskoj Luketina, L. Other article/paper 2018
Anabolic-androgenic steroid use in the Nordic countries: A meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis Sagoe, D., Torsheim, T., Molde, H., Andreassen, C. S. & Pallesen, S. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
Analysis of the displays of suicidal behavior among Czech adolescents: risk factors for suicidal thoughts, plans, and attempts Prajsova, J., Chomynova, P., Dvorakova, Z., Prihodova, K. and Csemy, L. Peer reviewed article/paper 2018
Analýza Projevů Suicidálního Chování U Českých Adolescentů: Rizikové Faktory pro Suicidální Myšlenky, Plány a Pokusy Prajsová, J., Chomynova, P., Dvořáková, Z., Prihodova, K. and Csemy, L. Peer reviewed article/paper 2018
Anomie among European adolescents: Conceptual and empirical clarification of a multilevel sociological concept Thoruddur B. Other article/paper 2009
Anonymity and confidentiality in school surveys on tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use Bjarnason, T. & Adalbjarnardottir, S. Other article/paper 2000
Are cannabis prevalence estimates comparable across countries and regions? A cross-cultural validation using search engine query data Steppan, M., Kraus, L., Piontek, D. & Siciliano, V Peer reviewed article/paper English 2013
Assessing the Structure of the CAST (Cannabis Abuse Screening Test) in 13 European Countries Using Multigroup Analyses Legleye, S. Eslami, A. and Bougeard, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Associations between alcohol policies and adolescent alcohol use: a pooled analysis of GSHS and ESPAD data Noel, J. K. Peer reviewed article/paper 2019
Being "Taught to Drink": UK teenagers' experience Plant, M.A & Miller, P. Report 2008
Binge Britain: Alcohol and the national response Plant, M.A. & Plant, M.L. Report 2006
Breaking the Taboo: Illicit Drug Use among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Hogendorf, AM., Fendler, W., Sieroslawski, J., Bobeff, K., Wegrewicz, K., Malewska, K., Przudzik, MW. et al. Peer reviewed article/paper 2016
Bruk av alkohol og cannabis blant ungdom i perioden 1995–2011 Bye, E. K. Other article/paper 2012
Cannabis supply and demand reduction: Evidence from the ESPAD study of adolescents in 31 European countries Bjarnason, T., Steriu, A. & Kokkevi, A. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2010
Cannabis supply and demand reduction: Evidence from the ESPAD study of adolescents in 31 European countries Bjarnason, T. Steriu, A. & Kokkevi, A. Peer reviewed article/paper 2008
Cannabis use and drug related problems among adolescents in 27 European countries: The utility of the prevention paradox Romelsjö, A., Danielsson, A.-K., Wennberg, P. & Hibell, B. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
Changes in alcohol consumption and beverage preference among adolescents after the introduction of the alcopops tax in Germany Müller, S., Piontek, D., Pabst, A., Baumeister, S. E. & Kraus, L. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2010
Changes in associations between psychosocial factors and suicide attempts by adolescents in Greece from 1984 to 2007 Kokkevi, A., Rotsika, V., Arapaki, A. & Richardson, C. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2010
Changes in perceived risk of different substance use by ranking order of drug attitudes in different ESPAD-countries Elekes, Z., Miller, P., Chomynova P. & Beck, F. Peer reviewed article/paper 2009
Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and self-esteem: A comparison of 15-16 year olds from France and United Kingdom Miller, P., Plant, M.A., Choquet, M. & Ledoux, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2002
Collectivity of drinking behavior among adolescents: An analysis of the Norwegian ESPAD data 1995–2011 Brunborg, G. S., Bye, E. K. & Rossow, I. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
Concordance and consistency of answers to the self-delivered ESPAD questionnaire on use of psychoactive substances Molinaro, S., Siciliano, V., Curzio, O., Denoth, F. & Mariani, F. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2012
Consequences: Patterns and trends Plant, M.A., Plant, M.L., Thornton, C. & Garretsen, H. Other article/paper 2000
Contrast effects in perceived risk of substance use Bjarnason, T. & Stefan H. J. Peer reviewed article/paper 2005
Country- and individual-level determinants of probable problematic gambling in adolescence: A multi-level cross-national comparison Molinaro, S., Canale, N., Vieno, A., Lenzi, M., Siciliano, V., Gori, M. & Santinello, M. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
Cross-Cultural Variation in the Association between Family’s Socioeconomic Status and Adolescent Alcohol Use Gomes de Matos, E., Kraus, L., Hannemann, TV., Soellner, R. and Piontek, D. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Daily exercise and anabolic steroids use in adolescents: A cross-national European study Kokkevi, A., Fotiou, A., Chileva, A., Nociar, A. & Miller P. Peer reviewed article/paper 2008
Decline of Adolescent Smoking in Ireland 1995-2015: Trend Analysis and Associated Factors Li, S., Keogan, S., Taylor, K. and Clancy, L. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2018
Demographic and social correlates of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use among 15–16-year-old students in Albania: Results of the ESPAD survey Toçi, E., Çanaku, D., Bregu, A., Kakarriqi, E., Roshi, E. & Burazeri, G. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
Do Girls with Depressive Symptoms Exhibit More Physical Aggression than Boys? A Cross Sectional Study in a National Adolescent Sample Benarous, X., Hassler, C., Falissard, B., Consoli, A. and Cohen, D. Peer reviewed article/paper 2015
Doping among high school students: findings from the French ESPAD survey Shah, J., Janssen, E., Le Nézet, O. and Spilka, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2019
Drinking and Driving among Italian Adolescents: Trends over Seven Years (2007-2013) Siciliano, V., Mezzasalma, L., Scalese, M., Doveri, C. and Molinaro, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2016
Drinking and smoking among 15 and 16 year olds in the United Kingdom: a re-examination Miller, P. & Plant, M.A. Peer reviewed article/paper 2001
Drinking Location and Drinking Culture and Their Association With Alcohol Use Among Girls and Boys in Europe Grüne, B., Piontek, D., Sleczka, P., Kraus, L. and Pogarell, O. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Drinking on the decline among minors but increasing among young adults Raitasalo, K. & Simonen, J. Other article/paper 2011
Drinking patterns Goddard, E., Plant, M.A., Plant, M.L., Davidson, I. & Garretsen, H. Report 2000
Drinking with parents. Different measures, different associations with underage heavy drinking? Pape, H. and Bye, EK. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Drinking, smoking and illicit drug use among 15 and 16 year old school students in the Isle of Man: A report for the Department of Health and Social Security, Douglas, Isle of Man Powell, J., Plant, M.A., Steriu, A. & Miller, P. Report 2004
Drinking, smoking and illicit drug use among 15 and 16 year olds in the Isle of Man Powell, J., Steriu, A., Plant, M.A. & Miller, P. Peer reviewed article/paper 2006
Drinking, smoking and illicit drug use amongst 15 and 16 year old school students in Northern Ireland Miller, P. & Plant, M.A. Report 2001
Drinking, smoking and illicit drug use amongst 15-16 year olds: a UK study Miller, P. & Plant, M.A. Peer reviewed article/paper 1996
Drug scene changes during two decades: Slovakia 1993 – 2012 Nociar, A. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2013
Drug Use and Reported Suicide Ideation and Attempt among Kosovar Adolescents Arenliu, A., Kelmendi, K., Haskuka, M., Halimi, T. and Canhasi, E Peer reviewed article/paper 2014
Drug use has declined among teenagers in the UK Plant, M.A. & Miller, P. Peer reviewed article/paper 2000
Drug-use patterns and risk factors among young offenders in Hungary: An epidemiological study Veress, K., Wheeler, J. G. & Ramsay, M. Peer reviewed article/paper 2004
Drunken driving and riding with a drunken driver: adolescent types at higher risk Markkula, J., Härkänen, T. and Raitasalo, K. Peer reviewed article/paper 2019
Effects of Community-Based Prevention on Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents Kraus, L., Hannemann, T.V., Piontek, D. and Awolin, M. Peer reviewed article/paper 2013
Effects of home access and availability of alcohol on young adolescents' alcohol use Komro, K. A., Maldonado-Molina, M. M., Tobler, A. L., Bonds, J. R. & Muller, K. E. Peer reviewed article/paper 2007
Eksperimentiranje adolescenata sa sredstvima ovisnosti Kuzman, M. & Pejnovi?-Franeli?, I. Peer reviewed article/paper Croatian 2010
Energy Drink and Alcohol mixed Energy Drink use among high school adolescents: Association with risk taking behavior, social characteristics. Scalese, M., Denoth, F., Siciliano, V., Bastiani, L., Cotichini, R., Cutilli, A. and Molinaro, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
ESPAD 1999 : ökad narkotikaerfarenhet bland Europas skolungdomar Andersson, B. & Hibell, B. Other article/paper 2001
ESPAD 2007 in the Russian Federation Koshkina E.A., Vyshinsky K.V. et al. 2009
ESPAD 95 - stort intresse från många länder Andersson, B. & Hibell, B. Other article/paper 1997
ESPAD National Report 2008 Mugosa B., Djurisic T. & Golubovic, L. Report 2008
ESPAD-studien: ökande droganvändning i öst Andersson, B. & Hibell, B. Other article/paper 2005
ESPAD: The European School Survey Project on Alcohol & Other Drugs Plant, M.A. Other article/paper 1999
Evaluation of drinking patterns and their impact on alcohol-related aggression: a national survey of adolescent behaviours Siciliano, V., Mezzasalma, L., Lorenzoni, V., Pieroni, S. & Molinaro, S. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2013
Evropska skolni studie o alkoholu a jinych drogach (ESPAD) - Prehled hlavnich vysledku v Ceske republice v roce 2011 (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) - Overview of the Survey Results in the Czech Republic in 2011) Csemy, L. & Chomynova, P. Other article/paper Czech 2012
Evropska skolni studie o alkoholu a jinych drogach (ESPAD) - Vysledky pruzkumu v Ceske republice v roce 2007 (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) - Results of the Survey in the Czech Republic in 2007) Csemy, L., Chomynova, P. & Sadilek, P. Report Czech 2009
Evropska skolni studie o alkoholu a jinych drogach (ESPAD): Vysledky pruzkumu v Ceske republice v roce 2003 (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) Results of the Survey in the Czech Republic in 2003) Csemy, L., Lejckova, P., Sadilek, P. & Sovinova, H. Report 2006
Factors associated with Ecstasy use in Turkish students Çorapçioglu, A. & Ögel, K. Peer reviewed article/paper 2004
Familial and religious influences on adolescent alcohol use: A multi-level study of students and school communities Bjarnason, T., Thorolfur T., Inga D. S. & Michael R. W. Peer reviewed article/paper 2005
Family structure and adolescent cigarette smoking in eleven European countries Bjarnason, T., Davidaviciene, A. G., Miller, P., Nociar, A., Pavlakis, A. & Stergar, E. Peer reviewed article/paper 2003
Family structure, parent-child relationships, and alcohol and other drug use among teenagers in France and the United Kingdom Ledoux, S., Miller, P., Choquet, M. & Plant, M.A. Peer reviewed article/paper 2002
Family structure, personality, drinking, smoking and illicit drug use: A study of UK teenagers Miller, P. Peer reviewed article/paper 1997
France’s Évin Law on the Control of Alcohol Advertising: Content, Effectiveness and Limitations Gallopel-Morvan, K., Spilka, S., Mutatayi, C., Rigaud, A., Lecas, F. and Beck F. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Gambling in the Czech Republic Szczyrba, Z., Mravčík, V., Fiedor, D., Černý, J. and Smolová, I. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2015
Heavy cannabis use among UK teenagers: an exploration Miller, P. & Plant, M.A. Peer reviewed article/paper 2002
Human agency, capable guardians and structural constraints: A lifestyle approach to the study of violent victimization Bjarnason, T., Thordis J. S. & Thorlindsson, T. Peer reviewed article/paper 1999
Ikärajoja ja rajojen kokeilua Raha-automaattipelejä pelaavien 9.-luokkalaisten alkoholin, kannabiksen ja tupakkatuotteiden käyttö vuosina 1995–2011 Järvinen-Tassopoulos, Johanna & Raitasalo, Kirsimarja Peer reviewed article/paper Finnish 2015
Illegal substance use among Italian high school students: Trends over 11 years (1999–2009) Molinaro, S., Siciliano, V., Curzio, O., Denoth, F., Salvadori, S. & Mariani, F. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2011
Impact of environmental factors on marijuana use in 11 European countries Pejnovi?-Franeli?, I., Kuzman, M., Pavi? Šimetin, I. & Kern, J. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2011
Impact of Internet gambling on problem gambling among adolescents in Italy: Findings from a large-scale nationally representative survey Canale, N., Griffiths, M.D.,Vieno, A., Siciliano, V. and Molinaroc, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2016
Impact of Laws Restricting the Sale of Tobacco to Minors on Adolescent Smoking and Perceived Obtainability of Cigarettes: An Intervention–control Pre–post Study of 19 European Union Countries Kuipers, M.A.G, Brandhof, S.D., Monshouwer, K., Stronks, K. and Kunst, A.E. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2017
Impact of removing point-of-sale tobacco displays on smoking behaviour among adolescents in Europe: A quasi-experimental study Van Hurck, M., Nuyts, P., Monshouwer, K., Kunst, A. and Kuipers, M. Peer reviewed article/paper 2018
Impact of removing point-of-sale tobacco displays on smoking behaviour among adolescents in Europe: a quasi-experimental study Van Hurck, M. M., Nuyts, P. A. W., Monshouwer, K., Kunst, A. E. and Kuipers, M. A. G. Peer reviewed article/paper 2019