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Impacto Del Consumo Episódico Excesivo de Alcohol En La Adolescencia. ¿lo Estamos Haciendo Bien?

Publishing year
Type of Document
Other article/paper
English Title
Impact of Binge Drinking (BD) in Adolescence. Are we doing it right?
Vargas-Martínez, AM., Trapero-Bertran, M., Gil-García, E. and Lima-Serrano, M.
Journal / Publication name

Nowadays, one of the most prevalent patterns of alcohol consumption is called binge drinking (BD). In 2015, the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Drugs (ESPAD) Group estimated that about 35% of adolescents of 15-16 years old have had at least one BD occasion in the past 30 days while at national level, the series of surveys on the use of drugs in adolescents of secondary education (ESTUDES, 2014-2015) determined that 32.2% of adolescents stated having performed BD in the last month. The aim of this editorial was to update the context of adolescence drinking and analysing the impact of BD by ages, including health and social costs derived. Once the magnitude of the problem was set, some research and action lines have been established in order to guide future work for the prevention of alcohol misuse and for establishing future preventive policies on alcohol. Finally, the need for evaluating these interventions from the efficiency point of view was discussed and assessed.