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Title Sort ascending AuthorsType of DocumentDocument languagePublishing year
‘Are The Times A-Changin’? Trends in Adolescent Substance Use in Europe Kraus, L., Seitz, NN., Piontek, D., Molinaro, S., Siciliano, V., Guttormsson, U., Arpa, S. et al. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2018
Þróun vímuefnaneyslu meðal íslenskra unglinga. Bjarnason, Thoroddur and Inga D. Sigfusdottir Report 1999
Þáttur áfengis í komum unglinga á slysa- og bráðadeild Landspítala. Bjarnason, Thoroddur, Brynjolfur Mogensen, Dagmar Yr Stefansdottir, Johann Asmundsson Other article/paper 2007
Youthful intoxication: A cross-cultural study of drinking among German and American adolescents Link, Tanja C. Other article/paper 2008
Youth Drinking Cultures. European Experiences Järvinen M & Room R (eds.) Report 2007
Young people and alcohol: An international insight. Plant, M. A.; Miller, P. Other article/paper 2001
Young people and alcohol use Plant, M.A. Report 2000
Young People and Alcohol Plant, M.A. and Plant, M.L. Other article/paper 2001
Widening educational inequalities in adolescent smoking following national tobacco control policies in the Netherlands in 2003: a time-series analysis Kuipers, MA., Nagelhout, GE., Willemsen, MC. and Kunst, AE. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2016
Whence and whither: Strengths and future challenges of ESPAD Kraus, L. & Hibell, B. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
What Is Going on in Underage Drinking? Reflections on Finnish European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs Data 1999–2015 Raitasalo, K, Simonen, J., Tigerstedt, C., Mäkelä, P. and Tapanainen, H. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2018
What affects what? Perceived cannabis availability and its use among Czech urban youth — a multilevel sociogeographic analysis Kážmér, L., Chomynová, P. and Csémy, L. Peer reviewed article/paper 2019
Volatile substance abuse: A review of findings in ESPAD 2003 Ives, Richard Other article/paper 2006
Vímuefnaneysla íslenskra unglinga: Niðurstöður rannsókna á vímuefnaneyslu nemenda í 10. bekk grunnskóla 1995–2003. Jonsson, Stefan H., Thoroddur Bjarnason, Inga D. Sigfusdottir, Bryndis B. Asgeirsdottir and Jon Sigfusson Report 2003
Validation of a New Short Problematic Internet Use Test in a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents Siciliano, V., Bastiani, L., Mezzasalma, L., Thanki, D., Curzio, O. & Molinaro, S. 2015
Užívanie drog vo vzťahu k šikanovaniu a k agresivite na školách (2) Nociar, A. Other article/paper Slovak 2013
Užívanie drog vo vzťahu k šikanovaniu a k agresivite na školách (1) Nociar, A. Other article/paper Slovak 2013
Uses and Abuses of Drug Decriminalization in Portugal Laqueur, H. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
Use and perceived ease of obtaining illicit drugs amongst teenagers in urban, suburban and rural schools: a UK study Miller P. and Plant, M.A. Other article/paper 1999
Updated indicators to evaluate harmful drug use, in particular, poly-drug use Colasante, E., Fabi, F., Rossi, C., Tomba, G. S. and Molinaro, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2019
Unges erfaringer med RUSMIDLER i 2003 og udviklingen siden 1995. Sabroe S, Fonager K. 2004
Unge og Rusmidler Sabroe S. Fonager K Report 1996
Unga väljer bort tobak, sprit och droger - men vilka unga? Resultaten av ESPAD-undersökningen i Finland 2007 Ahlström, Salme; Metso, Leena; Huhtanen, Petri; Ollikainen, Minna Other article/paper 2008
Understanding Educational and Psychosocial Factors Associated with Alcohol Use among Adolescents in Denmark; Implications for Health Literacy Interventions König, C., Skriver, M.V., Iburg, K.M. and Rowlands, G. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2018
Umfang áfengisneyslu og áfengisvandamála meðal íslenskra unglinga: Staða þekkingar, aðferðafræðileg vandamál og næstu skref Bjarnason, Thoroddur and Dagmar Yr Stefansdottir Report 2005
Umfang áfengisneyslu íslenskra unglinga: Breytingar á neyslumynstri 1995-2003 Bjarnason, Thoroddur Other article/paper 2005
UK youth are heaviest drug users in Europe - again Plant, M.A. and Miller, P. Other article/paper 2001
Truancy, perceived school performance, family structure, lifestyle, alcohol, cigarettes and illicit drugs: a study of UK teenagers Miller, P. and Plant, M.A. Other article/paper 1999
Trends in the association between prescribed and non-prescribed use of tranquillisers or sedatives among adolescents in 22 European countries Fotiou, A., Kanavou, E., Richardson, C. & Kokkevi, A. Other article/paper English 2014
Trends in Educational Inequalities in Smoking among Adolescents in Germany since the Early 2000s Waldhauer, J., Moor, I., Rathmann, K., Richter, M., Orth, B., Piontek, D., Kraus, L., Zeiher, J., Lampert, T. and Kuntz, B. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Trends in drinking, smoking and illicit drug use among 15 and 16 year olds in the United Kingdom (1995-2003) Plant, M.A., Miller, P. and Plant, M.L. Other article/paper 2005
Trends im Substanzkonsum Jugendlicher: Gibt es regionale Unterschiede? Matos, Elena Gomes de, Kraus, L., Pabst, A. & Piontek, D. Peer reviewed article/paper German 2014
Tobacco control and socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent smoking in Europe Kuipers, M.A.G., Monshouwer, K., Van Laar, M. & Kunst, A.E. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2015
Tobacco Control and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Adolescent Smoking in Europe Kuipers, M. A. G., Monshouwer, K., Van Laar, M. and Kunst, A. E. Peer reviewed article/paper 2015
The role of alcohol use in violence and victimization among Icelandic adolescents. Bjarnason, Thoroddur Other article/paper 2006
The relationship between substance use and suicidal behaviour among adolescents in selected European countries: A test of normalisation theory Haskuka, M., Arenliu, A. and Kelmendi, K. Peer reviewed article/paper 2018
The relationship between alcohol consumption and perceived drunkenness: a multilevel cross-national comparison in samples of adolescents Mueller, S., Piontek, D., Pabst, A. & Kraus, L. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2011
The Reclassification of Cannabis: Knowledge and Opinions of UK Teenagers: a Report for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Miller, P. and Plant, M.A. Report 2004
The Prevalences of and Perceived Risks from drug use among Teenagers in 33 European Countries Barbro Andersson, Patrick Miller, Francois Beck and Pavla Chomynova Other article/paper 2009
The Phenomenon of Youth Drinking Measham, F. and Østergaard, J. English 2014
The Multiplicative Effect of Combining Alcohol with Energy Drinks on Adolescent Gambling Vieno, A., Canale, N., Potente, R., Scalese, M., Griffiths, MD. and Molinaro, S. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2018
The increased trend of non-drinking in adolescence: The role of parental monitoring and attitudes toward offspring drinking Larm, P., Livingston, M., Svensson, J., Leifman, H. and Raninen, J. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2018
The impact of school nonresponse on substance use prevalence estimates – Germany as a case study Thrul, J., Pabst, A. & Kraus, L. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2015
The Impact of School Nonresponse on Substance Use Prevalence Estimates - Germany as a Case Study Thrul, J., Pabst, A. and Kraus, L. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2016
The impact of drinking pattern on alcohol-related violence among adolescents: An international comparative analysis Bye, E. K. & Rossow, I. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2010
The family, peer influences and substance use among UK teenagers. Miller, Patrick; Plant, Martin; Other article/paper 2003
The ESPAD study: implications for prevention. Morgan, Mark; Hibell, Bjorn; Andersson, Barbro; Other article/paper 1999
The ESPAD report 2003 : alcohool and other drug use among students in 35 European countries Hibell, Björn ; Andersson, Barbro ; Bjarnason, Thoroddur ; Ahlström, Salme ; Balakireva, Olga ; Kokkevi, Anna ; Morgan, Mark Report 2004
The effects of trait emotional intelligence on adolescent substance use: findings from a Hungarian representative survey Kun, B., Urbán, R., Paksi, B., Griffiths, M. D., Richman, M. J. and Demetrovics, Z. Peer reviewed article/paper 2019
The Drug Situation in Europe: An Overview of Data Available on Illicit Drugs and New Psychoactive Substances from European Monitoring in 2015 Mounteney, J, Griffiths, P., Sedefov, R., Noor, A., Vicente, J. and Simon, R. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2016
The diversion of prescribed stimulant medications of 10th graders in Iceland Kristofersson, G., Arnarsson, A., Heimisson, G. and Sigurdardottir, D. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
The 2011 ESPAD Report - Substance Use Among Students in 36 European Countries Björn Hibell, Ulf Guttormsson, Salme Ahlström, Olga Balakireva, Thoroddur Bjarnason Anna Kokkevi, Ludwig Kraus Report English 2012
The 2007 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (ESPAD). Survey among pupils in grade 9 and 10 in Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saarland and Thuringia Kraus, L., Pabst, A. & Steiner, S. Report 2008
The 2003 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (ESPAD): Survey among pupils in grade 9 and 10 in Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Thuringia Kraus,L.; Heppekausen,K.; Barrera,A.; Orth,B. Report 2004
The 1999 European School Survey Project on Alcohol & other Drugs Plant, M.A. and Miller, P. Other article/paper 2001
The 1999 ESPAD report : alcohol and other drug use among students in 30 European countries Hibell, Björn ; Andersson, Barbro ; Ahlström, Salme ; Balakireva, Olga ; Bjarnason, Thoroddur ; Kokkevi, Anna ; Morgan, Mark Report 2000
The 1995 ESPAD report : alcohol and other drug use among students in 26 European countries Hibell, Björn ; Andersson, Barbro ; Bjarnason, Thoroddur ; Kokkevi, Anna ; Morgan, Mark ; Narusk, Anu Report 1997
Temporal Discounting at Age 14 Predicts Cannabis Use at Ages 16 and 18 MacKey, S., Chaarani, B., Duffy, C. and Garavan, H. Other article/paper 2017
Teenage drinking in Europe: ESPAD 1999 Plant, M.A. and Miller, P. Other article/paper 2001
Teenage beverage preferences: Risk and responses. Miller, Patrick; Plant, Martin; Other article/paper 2003
Suchtbericht Steiermark 2017 Horvath, I., Anzenberger, J., Busch, M., Puhm, A., Schmutterer, I. Strizek, J. and Tanios, A. Report 2017
Substance Use Patterns Among Adolescents in Europe: A Latent Class Analysis Göbel, K., Scheithauer, H., Bräker, AB., Jonkman, H. and Soellner, R. Peer reviewed article/paper 2016
Substance Use among European Students: East - West Comparison between 1995 and 2011 Nociar, A., Sierosławski, J. and Csémy, L. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2016
Substance misuse and its risk perception in European teenagers Dzúrová, D., Spilková, J. and Vraný, M. Peer reviewed article/paper 2016
Subjektivni vnimani rizik a postoje mladeze k uzivani navykovych latek (Risk perception and attitudes of young people towards drug use) Lejckova, P. & Csemy, L. Other article/paper 2005
Socioeconomic status, parental education, school connectedness and individual socio-cultural resources in vulnerability for drug use among students Gerra, G., Benedetti, E., Resce, G., Potente, R., Cutilli, A. and Molinaro, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2020
Social skills and their relationship to drug use among 15-16-year-old students in Estonia: An analysis based on the ESPAD data Vorobjov, S., Saat, H. & Kull, M. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
Social closure, parental and peer networks: A study of adolescent scholastic achievement and alcohol use Thorlindsson, T., Bjarnason, T. & Sigfusdottir, I. D. Peer reviewed article/paper 2007
Social and socio-economic factors associated with adolescent Cannabis smoking – Results from the Danish ESPAD survey Munk, L., Molsted, S. and Pedersen, M. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Smoking and school absenteeism among 15- to 16-year-old adolescents: a cross-section analysis on 36 European countries Perelman, J., Leão, T. and Kunst, A. E. Peer reviewed article/paper 2019
Sjálfsvíg og sjálfsvígstilraunir meðal íslenskra ungmenna Bjarnason, T., Asgeirsdottir, B., B. & Sigfusdottir, I. D. Report 2002
Šikanovanie prostredí školy a jeho vz?ah k alkoholu a drogám. Nociar, A. Other article/paper Slovak 2014
Should I stay or should I go? Migration expectations among youth in Icelandic fishing and farming communities Bjarnason, T. & Thorlindsson, T. Peer reviewed article/paper 2006
Short scales to assess cannabis-related problems: a review of psychometric properties Piontek, D., Kraus, L. & Klempova, D. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2008
School´s in! Predicting teen cannabis use by conventionality, cultural disposition and social context Hakkarainen, P., Karjalainen, K., Raitasalo, K. & Sorvala, Veli-Matti Peer reviewed article/paper English 2015
Sampling issues in school surveys of adolescent substance use Bjarnason, T. Other article/paper English 2003
Rusmiddelforbruget i folkeskolens afgangsklasser og udviklingen fra 1995-99. Danske resultater fra en undersøgelse af europæiske skolebørn Sabroe S. & Fonager K. Report 2002
Risk factors in adolescent substance use in a cross-cultural context Bjarnason, T. Other article/paper English 2007
Risk factors in adolescent drug use: Evidence from school surveys and application in policy Muscat, R., Thorodur B., Beck, F. & Peretti-Watel, P. Report English 2007
Risk Factors for Substances Use and Misuse among Young People in France: What Can We Learn from the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale? Ali, A., Carré, A., Hassler, C., Spilka, S., Vanier, A., Barry, C. and Berthoz, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2016
RESULTATER FRA ESPAD 1995-2015 - Bruk av rusmidler og tobakk blant 15–16 åringer Elin K. Bye
Astrid Skretting
Report 2017
Relationship between negative experiences and drinking experience among 15- to 16-year-old adolescents in Finland Lavikainen H., Ahlström S., Metso L., Nevalainen J. & Lintonen T. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2008
Reclassifying cannabis: knowledge and views of UK teenagers Miller, P. & Plant, M.A. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2004
Ready, willing, and able: the role of cannabis use opportunities in understanding adolescent cannabis use Jasmina Burdzovic Andreas & Anne Line Bretteville-Jensen Peer reviewed article/paper English 2017
Psychosocial correlates of substance use in adolescence: A cross-national study in six European countries Kokkevi, A. Richardson, C. & Florescu, S. Peer reviewed article/paper 2007
Problematika rizikového chování vývoje detí a dospívajících: Hlavní témata a implikace pro další výzkum. Problems of risk development of children and adolescents: Main themes and implications for future research Blatný, M., Polišenská, V. A. & Balaštíková, V. Other article/paper 2005
Problematic Social Media Use: Results from a Large-Scale Nationally Representative Adolescent Sample Bányai, F., Zsila, A., Király, O., Maraz, A., Elekes, Z., Griffiths, M.D., Andreassen, C.S. and Demetrovics, Z. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Problematic Social Media Use: Results from a Large-Scale Nationally Representative Adolescent Sample Bányai, F., Zsila, A., Király, O., Maraz, A., Elekes, Z., Griffiths, M.D., Andreassen, C.S. and Demetrovics, Z. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Problem gambling among Czech adolescents: an exploration of its relationship to early initiation of tobacco smoking Špolc, M., Mravčík, V., Drbohlavová, B. and Chomynová, P. Peer reviewed article/paper 2019
Prevalence, patterns and correlates of tranquilizer and sedative use among European adolescents Kokkevi, A., Fotiou, A., Arapaki, A. & Richardson C. Peer reviewed article/paper 2008
Prevalence of Youth Gambling and Potential Influence of Substance Use and Other Risk Factors throughout 33 European Countries: First Results from the 2015 ESPAD Study Molinaro, S., Benedetti, E., Scalese, M., Bastiani, L., Fortunato, L., Cerrai, S., Canale, N. et al. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2018
Prevalence of Adolescent Problem Gambling: A Systematic Review of Recent Research Calado, F., Alexandre, J. and Griffiths, M. D. Peer reviewed article/paper 2017
Prevalence and risk factors of alcohol abuse among elementary and secondary schoolchildren in Herzegovina-Neretva County, Bosnia and Herzegovina Martinac, M., Juric, I. & Karlovic, D. Peer reviewed article/paper 2006
Prediktory rizikového užívání kanabisu u adolescentů: nálezy z projektu ESPAD Kožený, J., Csémy, L. and Tišanská, L. Report 2016
Predictors of Excessive Use of Social Media and Excessive Online Gaming in Czech Teenagers Spilková, J., Chomynová, P. and Csémy, L. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2017
Predicting teenage beliefs concerning the harm alcohol and cannabis use may do in eight European countries Miller, P., Chomynova, P. & Beck, F. Peer reviewed article/paper 2009
Pozitivni a negativni ocekavani mladeze od konzumace alkoholu (Positive and negative alcohol expectancies among young people) Lejckova, P. & Csemy, L. Other article/paper 2006
Polydrug use by European adolescents in the context of other problem behaviours Kokkevi, A., Kanavou, E., Richardson, C., Fotiou, A., Papadopoulou, S., Monshouwer, K. et al. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2014
Polydrug use among 15- to 16-year olds: Similarities and differences in Europe Olszewski, D., Matias, J., Monshouwer, K. & Kokkevi, A. Peer reviewed article/paper English 2010
Polarization in alcohol consumption among Icelandic adolescents, 1995-2003 Bjarnason, T. Peer reviewed article/paper 2006